Tuesday, September 17, 2013

SEO Lies

SEO Lies:

A Report About SEO And

Video Marketing

By Rick Hodge

PART 1: Demolition

Before I can turn you into a diamond I need to cut away all the imperfections and

polish your knowledge to a shine. So first lets get right into destroying the lies

you’ve been told.

Where did the lies come from? They all came from “experts” in SEO who read

something put out by Google themselves. Google is the worst place to get your

SEO information from because they are the last person who wants you to be able

to manipulate their search engine.

Google is in the trust business. When a visitor lands on Google they are trusting

Google to give them relative information quickly. If Google fails at doing that job

by letting people manipulate their search engine then they lose trust.

So it’s not the “experts” fault. They thought they were getting insider

information. In actuality they were being fed very clever mis-directions. It’s not

until you run your own tests and experiments. When you do your own research

that you find the truth. Which is exactly what I have found over the last two

years of studying SEO daily.

Let’s start with the biggest lie of them all…

SEO Is Hard

FAR FROM IT!!! SEO is so easy that it can get very boring. It’s like one day when

I was working in a warehouse and I spilled a giant box of tiny screws.

I swear those screws fell everywhere. I was standing in the middle of thousands

of screws strewn about in a 10-foot circle. The only way to fix the problem was to

start picking up each screw one at a time.

It’s not hard to bend over and pick up a screw. But it sure is boring and very

tedious. That’s what SEO is to me. Very basic tasks repeated OVER AND OVER


Anyone can write the fanciest report they want but when it comes down to it. All

SEO really is, is a basic set of rules.

-keep the content relevant

-keep it unique (to be explained)

-keep it fresh

-and get sites to link to your content

SEO Takes A Long Time

If that were true… Then why can I get first page Google rankings in less then 24


hours? Sometimes even as quick as 8 hours!

This lie will be explained more when we talk about

keyword research. Basically, yes it could

take a long time to get a high ranking for ultra

competitive keywords like “Real Estate” or “Credit


But those types of keywords… Well they suck! Keywords like that are full of

people that are doing research. You have no clue what they want to know about

in regards to real estate.

Are they buying? Selling? Doing a report? Writing an article?

Heck most realtor’s can’t even service 99% of the people that will search that

phrase because they can only work with locally owned properties (usually).

However, the smart Realtor would go after terms like “Houses For Sale in

Montgomery Alabama” or “Corey Barton Homes For Sale”

With phrases like those you know exactly what the person wants to do. Which

makes marketing to them and more importantly converting them into a sale so

much easier.

With the methods I’m going to be showing you later in the report I’ll show you

how you could take not just one front page ranking for those types of phrases but

multiple front page listings and whole pages – Within 48 hours sometimes.

You Need Lots Of Content

If this lie were true, then why do I have multiple squeeze pages with #1 spots in

Google. These pages of mine have less the 300 words of content.

Of course Google WANTS you to have these giant sites with tons of great content.

It helps them become more of a trust worthy search engine. So they cleverly

announced to the SEO industry that the more pages of content you have the

better you will rank.

Lie #1

Lie #2

They never said that it isn’t possible or that they won’t rank a low content page.

All they said was that they would like to see more content over less.

Here’s some screenshots of one page websites with very little content ranking

highly in Google for my target keywords.

Lie #3


Look I’m telling you this stuff works! Anyone can do it if they are just willing to do

the “so easy it’s boring” repetitive tasks that it takes. Sometimes it only requires

a couple hours worth of work.


Don’t Use Duplicate


This is probably the one lie that has been holding back the most amount of

people. Of course Google doesn’t want the same things showing up over and over

again in their search engines.

That doesn’t mean that they won’t let it happen!

Everyday my employees and are submitting one piece of content to hundreds of

different sources. We even do this 4-5 times per day with 4-5 different piece of

content. Yet, our rankings keep going up and so do our clients.

This is not blackhat either. The way Duplicate Content got started was people

were putting the same article on one site over and over again. Which was tricking

Google into thinking that site had lots of content.

So Google announced that if anyone posted the same content twice per website

then they would not count the second version.

They never said anything about putting the same content on different websites!

However, some “Guru” read it the wrong way or maybe he wanted to sell an

article re-writer software and started lying to everyone!

Here’s what you can and can’t do:

1.) You cannot put the same article on your site over and over and expect

Google to think you’re brilliant! They’ll look at your site and see that it’s all

trickery to make your site look like it has lots of content.

2.) You can’t take one article and use it for every keyword you ever target. It

must be relevant.

3.) You can write one article about a specific topic and submit it to hundreds

and even thousands of different websites without any penalty whatsoever

4.) You can write one article and have thousands of people post it on their

websites (ezinearticles.com) and never get penalized.

I think I did a pretty good job of destroying the “The Duplicate Content Penalty”

lie here in this report.

Lie #4


NoFollow is a parameter Google invented to try and satisfy bloggers who were

complaining about blog spam ruining their high PR

scores in Google.

Most people are told that NoFollow links will do

nothing for them. That they don’t count. This is

not true and here’s my story as to why it’s not true…


Mr. A has a fancy blog with high PR and spammer A comes to the site and steals

a link by making a comment. With Google’s old system some of that PR leaks out

to the spammers site.


So Google says hey if everyone uses NoFollow then no more PR will leak out I

promise. However, not all the search engines adopted this plan and Google is the

only search engine that cares about PR – So it didn’t work.

Lie #5


Point 1:

Never did Google ever say that it would not recognize the link. It just said that it

would not allow the PR to leak when they do their fancy PR equations.

Point 2:

Since the other search engines and Google all spider each other and the other

search engines don’t follow the whole NoFollow game – Ask.com ends up

spidering your link from some blog and indexes you (even thought is nofollow)

and then Google spiders Ask and finds your link in their index…


Everyone in the SEO industry uses Yahoo Site Explorer to track how many links

they have and see where they are coming from.

Put my friends blog through Yahoo Site Explorer and you’ll find he has over

16,000 backlinks. Most of them are all NoFollow like this one I just swiped by

viewing source on one of the blogs that are linking to his blog via comment…

rel=”external nofollow”>Alejandro Reyes

I could provide these examples over and over. Put simply, the other search

engines don’t care about NoFollow like Google does – So it doesn’t work like

Google wanted it too. And it never meant that the search engines can’t see the


Edit For The Critics:

I am not saying NoFollow is 100% B.S. – I am saying that it is not something to

fear or stay away from completely. There are great uses for NoFollow on your

own sites to manipulate your PR flow in-site.

I have found in my daily experiences that NoFollow links are not completely

worthless like most people are saying. Obviously, a DoFollow link is more

valuable then a NoFollow.

PART 2: Foundation

Search engines like Google have software that lets them send out a bot that they

call a “spider.” This spider is

constantly surfing the web at very

high speeds. The spider is constantly

scanning web content and

looking for web links.

Every link that the spider finds lets the spider find and scan a new page. That’s

called indexing. Indexing means the spider found your page from a link

somewhere, scanned your content, and added it to Google’s ultra enormous

database of content.

From that huge pool of content Google needs to determine how to display that

information on it’s search engine results pages (SERP’s).

Thats where the famous yet mysterious Google algorithm comes in to play. Every

search engine has their own algorithm that analyzes all the content in there

database and determines how it will be displayed.

That’s where search engine optimization (SEO) gets started. Through years of

trial and error many of us in the SEO industry have learned what parts of their

indexed content the search engines place more importance on.

The two most important are your title tag (a piece of html code inside your

website that tells the search engines what your page is about) and incoming links

to your website. This takes us into the next chapter about what is important.

How SEO Works


1. Title Tag

Every webpage is made up of

complicated HTML codes.

What you see are just words and images. However, behind the scenes there is

actually a complex architecture of “tags” that tell your browser how to display

your web pages information.

For SEO purposes there is no more important tag in your HTML then the Title tag.

It’s the tag that tells the search engines what your web page is about. Further

more it is also the title of your listing in the search engines.

Those items circled in red are title tags. Search engines are using them as the

link for people to click on in order to land on your web page. It’s important to put

your keyword or keyphrase as close to the front of your title tags as you can.

You can use multiple keywords

or phrases in your title tag.

However, it needs to stay under 65

characters long or else the search

engines will use an ellipse (…).

Which makes the link look less


Speaking of making the link

attractive you have to play a

little bit of balancing game

with your title tag. It needs to

have the best keyword/phrase

possible for your page but also still

“sell the click.”

For example a bad title tag

would look like…

SEO | Search Engine

Optimization | Link Building | Backlinks

A good title tag would look like…

Idaho SEO Experts Can Increase Website Traffic For You

What’s Important

The first title tag may rank better in some cases. However, it will get a lower click

through rate. Which the search engines are tracking on a small level as well. Plus,

the real reason we are doing SEO is so people will click through to our sites

right… So sell the click!

Also if you are creative and take your time writing out several different title tags

you can actually fit in more keywords/phrases. The second title tag is actually one

of mine and I rank #1 for Idaho SEO Expert(s).

Here’s all the keywords I have a good shot at ranking for with the second title

tag; Idaho SEO, Idaho SEO Expert, Idaho SEO Experts, SEO, SEO Expert, SEO

Experts, Website Traffic, Increase Website Traffic.

In the SERPs right under the title tag is usually a small description of what that

site is about. This information is pulled from another tag in your HTML called your

meta description tag.

2. Meta Description

In the old days of SEO your meta description tag and your meta keywords tag

used to carry a lot more weight. Today they are used mostly just to tell people

what your listing is about.

If you don’t write a good meta description into the code of your website then you

are leaving it up to the search engines to tell everyone what your site is about.

This could result in gibberish because the search engines just pull in random text

from the content on your web page to fill the description.

Having a good meta description tag can dramatically increase the amount of click

thru’s to your site. The best meta descriptions tell the search engine browser the

benefits of them visiting your site.

For example…

Visit Our Site Now And Download A Free Report On How You Can Get More

Website Traffic By Having Front Page Listings In Google. 800-758-2651

You don’t have to include a phone number if it doesn’t pertain to your needs. I

like to add one to mine since I am wanting them to call me. By having it in my

description I may get calls from people right away since usually my phone

number is the only one showing on that SERP.

Changing title tags and meta description tags is called on-page SEO. Because

your are manipulating parts of your actual web page to increase the effectiveness


of your search engine marketing. The other part is called off-page SEO and it’s

the most important part of SEO.

3. Incoming Links (backlinks)

Earlier in this report I told you about the lie that you need a lot of content to rank

high in the search engines. That I have one page websites with under 300 words

of content ranking in #1 positions.

Incoming links are how I do that… Every incoming link you have pointed at your

website is like a popularity vote. The more popular you are the higher you go.

Incoming links may also be referred to as backlinks or one way links. And they

are by far the most powerful thing in your SEO arsenal. A handful of backlinks

from the right sources could be all you need to instantly be on the first page of


There are 4 main classes of links that you can get. I’ll list them in order of their

power and then I’ll reference them by tiers from now on.

Tier 1 Links = Come from authority sites that are highly relevant

Tier 2 Links = Come from authority sites of any topic

Tier 3 Links = Come from any website that is highly relevant to your topic

Tier 4 Links = Come from any website about any topic

How do you know a website is an authority website? Well Google has a scoring

system that makes it easy for us called PageRank. It’s a scoring system that

works on a 0 – 10 scale.

So a website with a PR score of 8 would be considered an authority site (In

Google’s eyes at least). The other search engines could give two craps about PR

and basically you’ll just have to go off of how high they rank for their main


There are thousands of ways you can get backlinks from as easy as calling up

website owners and asking for them, to building a large network of your own

websites on multiple servers and then linking them all to each other.

You can never know just how many backlinks you’ll need. So you just have to

keep getting more and more. Plus the moment you stop adding fresh backlinks

the search engines will think your sites popularity has died – And your high

ranking starts to die also as it sinks lower and lower.

When you are building links to your page its often hardest to find Tier 1 links.

Then getting easier and easier as you go down in tiers.

There are two main roads you can take. The hard road of getting just a couple

Tier 1-2 links per week. Or the easier road of getting hundreds of Tier 3-4 links

per week.

They’ll both take you about the same amount of time and you’ll land at the same

spot at the end of the tunnel. However, one will fit better with your current skill

set or personality then the other. It’s about doing whats easiest and fastest for

you to do – Not about slamming your head against the wall trying to do things

you aren’t comfortable doing.

Because you are read this report you are no smart enough to know that NoFollow

doesn’t mean anything to us. So the easiest way to get links is to setup a Google

alert on your keyword/phrase. Then every time you get a notice from that comes

from a blog you go and post a comment.

Don’t be a moron about it though and just post some crappy comment on their

blog. If the blog owner doesn’t like it they can delete it and you wasted your

time. Or worse then can blacklist you.

So take a minute or two to see what they are talking about and add some value

with a decent comment. After all if you took 3 minutes to do each comment for

just 2 hours straight everyday that would be 40 links per day.

Which would be 320 links per week and 1280 links per month. At that pace you

could very easily be taking over the #1 spot in your niche. But that’s just one

method. As I said there are literally thousands of ways to get backlinks.

Another of my favorites is the www.Easy30MinuteBacklinks.com method. Where

you create one piece of free software using a free websites. Then you submit that

software to thousands of software directories using automated software called

pad submitters.

Each of those software download directories will give you a backlink so the

downloader can find out more about the company who submitted the software.

The best part is most of those software directories have high PR in the 5, 6, and 7

range. So these are high quality backlinks. In case you were wondering, yes you

can submit multiple softwares!!! ;-)

Using the automated pad submitter programs its very possible to get 300

backlinks in about 30 minutes. Thus, the reason Michelle named her course 30

Minute Backlinks.


A new friend of mine also created a brilliant little website that lets you look up

back link possibilities for any keyword or phrase. It’s called Backlink Agent and

it’s only $ 20. I couldn’t recommend it high enough. You can literally just sit there

running searches on his site and grabbing back links from all over the web.

The last thing you need to know about back links is that the search engines are

also looking at what the actual clickable text of that link says. They do this to

determine what that link is relative too.

For example if you had an incoming link to your site that looked like “click here”

then the search engines would think that link was relative to the phrase “click


If we want to get high rankings for our own keyword then we need to make sure

the clickable text (anchor text) includes our 1st and 2nd tier keywords/phrases in

them like this “Idaho SEO Experts”

Having our keywords/phrases in our anchor text DRAMATICALLY improves the

quality and power of our incoming links. Make sure you switch it up also. Don’t

just use the same keyword or phrase. Use your 2nd tier keywords as well.

Before we finish up talking about whats important in SEO. I need to quickly tell

you about a couple more on-page SEO elements you must pay attention too.

4. Tier One Keywords

A tier 1 keyword is a keyword in which you are trying to ranking highly for in the

search engines. These are in your anchor text links, title tags, and heading tags.

5. Tier Two Keywords

Your tier 2 keywords help define what your 1st tier keywords are about to the

search engines. For example if your 1st tier keyword was “Fork” how do the

search engines know you are talking about a fork in th road or a dinner fork?

The search engines would need to see you using 2nd tier keywords like knife,

spoon, dinner, food… To determine that you were talking about a dinner fork.

Second tier keywords may also be referred to as semantic keywords, helper

keywords, or LSI keywords in other books. Just some FYI

Keyword Density

When you are writing content for your websites you need to show the search

engines what your content is relative too. The way you do that is by making sure

your keyword density is correct.

Keyword density means the amount of times your keyword or phrase shows up

per 100 other words in your content.

SEO’s around the world have found that a keyword density of 2% – 5% is best. I

personally find 3% keyword density to be my favorite number.

A 3% keyword density for the phrase “Idaho SEO Expert” would mean that the

phrase “Idaho SEO Expert” showed up in my content 3 times per every 100

words of content.

Heading Tag

The heading tag looks like

. They work all the way down to

also. The

numbers tell the browser and the search engines how important that heading is in

your content.

For example a web pages main headline at the top of the page will usually be an

tag while smaller subheads might be


. I have never had the

need to go past

You should make sure your keywords/phrases are in your heading tags and if you

don’t have heading tags you should add them where suitable. Basically, the

heading tag is telling the search engines spider “hey this part is important.” And

the search engines say “well it better have your keyword/phrase in it then or else

I may not consider your keyword as important.”


tag is best suited for the top most headline of your page and then


tags are best suited for titles above each paragraph in your



There are many tools out there

that will help you with keyword

research. The best free ones in

my opinion are http://

freekeywords.wordtracker.com which pulls information from Yahoo on actual

keywords being searched and how many times per day they are being searched.

Yahoo is much different from Google and sometimes the per day count can be as

much as 15x more on Google depending on the keyword. The tool to find actual

searches being searched on Google and their frequency is https://


That tool will show you the monthly search results (on average) for keywords on

your topic. Obviously to convert daily into monthly you just multiple by 30 and to

turn monthly into daily you just divide by 30. (I have had the question come up)

With both those tools you just type in the topic of your web page and it will give

you about 200 related searches that users are actually typing in related to your


There are two schools of thought on keyword research. One side of the industry

likes to only target a handful of the most trafficked keywords. The other likes to

target what we call “long tail keywords” which are the hundreds of smaller


Later in this report I will be giving you the method I use that lets me target both

for getting the best of both words. If you targeted just the highest trafficked

keywords you will be looking at a longer period before seeing results but your

ending results would be large.

The other, long tail, method can get you lots of smaller results faster building up

to one big large result in the long run. Both methods are correct it’s just which

one best suits your current skill set and personality.

I personally prefer long tail keywords because I can be getting results the whole

way through my long term campaign. Plus, the long tail keywords are where the

Keyword Research

buyers are at like we discussed above.

Think to yourself about your own searches. When you first typed in “SEO” where

you just trying to learn about SEO or were you looking to buy something?

Chances are when you were ready to buy an SEO course you would type in a

phrase more like “best seo book” or even a product name like “StomperNET


Most real estate buyers are typing things like “homes for sale in Tampa Florida”

or whatever city they are looking to buy a house in. Yet, real estate agents are

constantly dumping thousands of dollars to rank for terms like “real estate” or

“buy a house.” That to me is a waste but it would also be stupid to neglect those

big keywords if you were looking to scale your business to the highest levels.

Another important part of keyword research is to find out what your competitors

are targeting. Which can be as easy as just looking at their title tags. Or as

complicated as using KeywordSpy to reverse engineer every keyword your

competitor is ranking for.

The first thing I do when starting a new campaign is find out who is already

ranking high in that niche and then finding out what keywords they are using.

Einstein always said it was smarter to learn from the mistakes of others then your

own. So I’m first looking to see what my competitors are already winning with so

I avoid using the keywords that they may have already failed with.

After you have found a couple keywords to target the next thing you want to do

is find out how hard they are going to be to rank on. The first way to do this is to

enter your keyword into Google with “” quotation marks around it.

Wrapping your keyword or phrase in quotations tells Google to only return back

the pages specifically about your keyword or phrase – Not variations of it.

Then at the top right hand side of your screen you’ll see a numbers that may say

something like 1 – 14,000 results for…. or 1 – 425,000 results for….

What ever number that ends up being is very important. In my daily experiences

anything under 100,000 is very easy to rank on. Getting easier and easier the

lower that 1 – XXXXX number ends up being.

For my long tail keywords I like to target a dozen or a couple dozen keywords

with results under 5,000 possibly as high as 10,000. If your keyword is higher

then 100,000 or even 1,000,000 then it doesn’t matter what you do – It’s going

to take a couple weeks to a couple months to get a high ranking for that



Later in this report I’ll be telling you about my method called The Boat that lets

me rank for those high keywords by ranking for lots of smaller keywords first.

Which is great because then I’m making money the whole way through the


The next thing I do to determine a keywords difficulty is to use a keyword

difficulty tool. My favorite is the one made by SEOLogs.com at…


The keyword difficulty tools check how many sites have your keyword in their title

tags, the anchor text of their links, and inside their URLS. The more sites that are

using your keyword in those three places the harder it becomes to rank for that


STOP!!! Did you hear what I just said…

It is important to have your keywords or phrases in your title tags, anchor text,

and URLS. SEOLogs is one of the better SEO sources on the net and have been

for a long time. If they are checking those areas you can bet your booty that they

are very important.

Ok so anyway, back to the keyword difficulty tool. When you type in your

keyword it will return back a score based one 0 – 100. In my daily experiences

I’ve found less then 40 to be very easy to rank on. Then in between 40 and 60

are the medium toughness keywords. With anything higher then 60 being

something that will take weeks to months to rank on.

I have gotten 48′s and 51′s within 48 hours before though. So don’t count out the

40-60 range. Just know that you have less of a chance.

Just do those three things; check the competition in Google with quotes, check

your competitors keywords, and use the keyword difficulty tool. If you do those

three keyword research tactics you will be able to find keywords you can rank on

over and over again.

You just then have to do the work, like the method I talk about later called “The

Boat.” For me that is pretty much the end of keyword research relating to SEO.

However, I feel obliged to mention the MSN commercial intent tool.


BONUS TOOL = Google Insights For Search Tool

This tool is a lifesaver for many SEO’s. What it does

is give users data about the trend, frequency, and

future of a keyword or phrase.

For example when I type in “blogging” into the tool

it tells me that there is a steadily increasing stream

of people making searches related to blogging.

Then it also shows me which countries it’s most

popular with, what phrases are becoming more

popular then others, news sources talking about

the topic, and even what some of the most popular

searches related to the topic are.

I’ve been using this tool for a couple months now

and it’s great for letting me get inside the mind

of my target searchers.

It even lets me get in front of the wave sometimes

by finding keywords that are just now getting popular.



We already know from

past chapters that once

we find our keywords

we need to put them in our title tags, URLs, heading tags, and anchor text. But

now we need to actually build our webpage and there are more then just those

elements to consider.

For example a web page might have paragraphs, images, navigation menus, and

just a variety of other things.

What does a well optimized landing page look like?

www.WrightLawnCare.com by BJ Wright

This is a landing page

built and maintained

by a friend of mine. He’s

local her in Idaho and

also worked for Russell

Brunson at one time. I

didn’t use one of my

own landing pages for

two reasons 1.) I wanted

to protect some of my

niches and 2.) I don’t

always follow the

rules perfectly

because I am always

testing new things.

Now lets investigate

Building Your Page(s)

this page BJ has created. First of all let me tell you about this company. Wright

Lawn Care is BJ’s brothers lawn care service. I use him during the summers.

However, what is brilliant is BJ used SEO and common Internet marketing

techniques to land 30 new accounts within just over 2 months!

BJ is an awesome Internet marketer that hardly anyone knows about because he

just does his on thing. Learn more about him at www.SEOIntern.com

Now back to tearing apart the brilliance in this landing page…

Item #1: Title Tag

The exact title tag they are using at the time of this writing is “Boise, ID Lawn

Care Services – 1st Mowing Is Free!”

You’ll see that he is targeting his keyword perfectly and doing a search for “Boise

Lawn Care Service” will show you that he is in fact ranking #1. But what you

should also notice is that the title tag is very attractive to click on also.

No one else on that page is saying 1st Mowing Is Free which further more

increases the traffic he’s getting from that #1 listing. Even if he wasn’t #1 and

had the most attractive link on the SERP then he could be getting more traffic

then the person in the #1 position. Very important!

Item #2: Navigation Menu

The importance in the way he created his menu is that he is using tex-based

buttons and not images. The search engines can’t see images so it’s important to

use text. You can hire a designer to create buttons like BJ’s where they look like

buttons but really they are text

The other important element is that he is using his keywords in his button text.

This further helps the search engines determine what your site/page is about.

The better job you do at helping the search engines determine what you are

relevant too – The better chance you have at ranking for those terms.

Item #3: Heading Tag

You’ll see here in his top most headline he is using his keywords. Then he does it

again in the second heading on his page.


Item #4: Paragraphs

If you take the time to read the paragraphs he has on his page you’ll notice he is

using both his tier 1 and tier 2 keywords inside his content.

Item #5: RSS Feed

This part is actually a little tricky but $ 50 to an outsourcer on scriptlance.com will

get the job done quickly.

What he’s doing is showing the search engines that he has fresh content updating

regularly on his page. This tells the spider to keep coming back to his page which

then tells the search engines that this is a website that is constantly delivering

new information to his audience.

What happens when a spider comes to your page for the first time is it scans your

page. Then decides to come back in a few weeks to see if anything is changed.

That is because the search engines want to always have the freshest content in

their database.

So when that spider comes back, if it doesn’t see any changes it sets it timer for

longer next time. It keeps getting longer and longer if you don’t update your

page. Until the point where they just decide your page is dead and not worth a


That is why sites like Digg.com and Squidoo.com rank so well. The spiders see

new things every time they come back. In fact they just sit at the site now

indexing everything as it comes in. that situation tells the search engines that it is

a very valuable site with constant new information. You want that for your sites!

The content is actually coming from his blog and you’ll see the headings link to

his blog. So it also helps drive the traffic that lands onto his page deeper into his

site. The more time a visitor spends on your site the more of a chance you have

at converting that visitor to the action you want them to take.

Item #6: Footer Links

The last place the search engines check for content about your sites is right

before they finish scanning your page. It’s important to have the last words on

your page tell the search engines exactly what you are relevant too.

This way the first thing they see is what you are relevant to in your title tag and

then the last thing they see is again, exactly what you are relevant to in your

footer code.

With this format it’s impossible for the search engines to spider your page and

not know exactly what you are relevant to.


Before you can even think about getting ranked you first need to get indexed. If

your site hasn’t been seen by the search engines there is no way it can possibly

get ranked.

So many people over think this step. All you need to do to get indexed is put a

link in front of one of the search engines spiders. They’ll then scan and index your

page. (Indexing alone will not

give you rankings)

If you know where the search

engine spiders hang out then all you

have to do is show them your link and BOOM your indexed. Where do the spiders

hang out?

Spiders hang out where ever there is constant sources of fresh sources. Or even

more so, wherever there is a constant source of new links for them to index. The

highest source of fresh new links I can think of is at social bookmarking sites and

content sharing sites.

Whenever I need something indexed I just submit it to Digg.com – Usually that

works within minutes to a couple hours. If it doesn’t then blast your web page

address out to StumbleUpon.com, Propeller.com, Mixx.com, and Mister-


To check if your site is indexed just type the full URL into Google like this…

http://www.yoursite.com and if it doesn’t show up in the search listings then it’s

not indexed yet.

There are literally thousands of different ways to get backlinks. For sake of not

creating a 600 page ebook and having to write for the next year and a half of my

life I’m just going to cover my favorite and most effective ways for you.

Blog Commenting

This is by far the most simple in

my eyes. My employees are

instructed that at anytime if they have no work to do they are to do this method

for our own sites.

Getting Indexed

Getting Backlinks

How it works is you just look for blogs that are related to your websites topic.

Then you leave a comment on a few of their blog posts. For those of you that

have never done this before here’s how it works.

1.) Go To http://blogsearch.google.com

2.) Type in the topic of your website

3.) Click on the first title that comes up

4.) Read a snippet of their blog post

5.) Leave a comment about the snippet you read

When you leave your blog comment there are a couple things to remember.

Usually the comment form has four fields; Name, Email, Website, Comment.

Make sure you fill each one out. In the “name” field you will want to put your

keyword. Because thats going to create the anchor text with the website you

entered as the address where people will go when clicked.

When you leave your comment make sure you leave something of value.

Otherwise when the owner see’s the comment they’ll just delete it. That’s why I

tell you to read a snippet of the blog post. So you can leave a comment that

actually relates to what the author is saying.

It takes a little bit longer (like 30 seconds) but will do wonders for the long term

of your link building campaign because more of your links will stick around.

Now as I said above that we don’t really need to worry about nofollow links

because the link is still counted. However, if you want higher quality links that

pass along a tidbit of their linkjuice you can use these resources…

http://www.dofollowblogs.com/ (Directory of DoFollow Blogs)

http://www.inlineseo.com/dofollowdiver/ (DoFollow Blog Search Engine)


In today’s state of the Internet a widget is understood as a thing that someone

puts on their website to either give it extra functionality or more credibility.

Almost every widget now has an embedded link back to the creators website. If

you create a widget that becomes popular you can have thousands of back links

overnight naturally.

Think about what the websites in your niche would like to have on their websites

that would make them just a little bit better. For example the “HackerSafe”

symbol you see on websites gives them credibility and HackerSafe the company


gets a back link (Plus thousands of dollars for the right to use the logo).

Another easy widget idea is to create a quiz for your niche and whenever anyone

takes that quiz they can display their score by placing a widget on their site with

their score on it.

If you need more widget ideas just check out these widget directories and think

of how you can create something similar to any of those already listed but

specific to your niche.



Getting a widget created can be very cheap if you use Scriptlance.com to find a

programmer. I’ve had my own widgets created for as little as $ 50, which you

could never by even just 100 quality back links for $ 50.


There are hundreds of different template sites out there. Ranging from HTML

templates, Flash templates, WordPress templates, Drupal, Joomla, Dolphin, and

just so many more.

You can create a niche specific template for these template directories that others

will then use to create websites in your niche with later on. At the bottom of your

template (in the footer code) you’ll place a link to your website with your keyword

or phrase as the anchor text.

You usually get to leave a terms and conditions report or disclaimer with every

template you submit to directories. In that terms and conditions report you tell

people that they may not remove your link or their license to use your template is

voided. Some people even place a notice of this as an HTML comment in the code

of their website.

You can also offer them to take off the footer link for a certain charge. That way

the template buyer has the option and those charges could fund the creation of

more templates and widgets!

Software Directories

My good friend online, Michelle MacPhearson (an SEO Goddess), has created an

awesome course called Easy30MinuteBacklinks.com

Now, I just give the course to my employees and then they just do this method

for me. Her course is that step-by-step that overseas people can just login, watch

the videos, download the tools, and off they go.

It involves creating free softwares like screensavers, rss readers, web toolbars,

and a few other items. Then submitting those softwares to download directories

and software directories.

Each of these directories gives you a back link so that their visitors and

downloaders can visit the company who created the software for more


Her methods are 100% free and literally take as little as 30 minutes to get a

couple hundred back links. Her course is $ 100 and it’s for sale on clickbank. I

would feel like I am hurting a good friend if I told you everything in her course

here. So I won’t…

I will tell you this though, I have gotten over 15,000 back links at the time of

writing this report with her methods. My employees are still using it so with time

that number will double, triple and quadruple.

I don’t care where you go – You’ll never find a cheaper way to get 15,000 back

links. I paid $ 100 and that works out to about 0.006 cents per back link!

I don’t want you feeling like I am forcing you to go buy her course either. So I’ll

give you a bit more information.

The software directories require you to use what is called a pad file. This pad file

is how they get all the information about your software that they need to create

your listing.

You then use a pad submission program to submit those pad files to thousands of

directories. I personally like Promosoft the best out of all the pad submitters that

I have bought for myself and my employees.

So you use free websites and software to create free websites. Even as simple as

turning your sales page into a PDF and then using a PDF to EXE converter! Once

you have the software created you create a pad file about the software. Then

submit that pad file using a pad submitter.

As I’ve already said… this method is QUITE successful. My employees do at least

one for me everyday. What is really cool is that these software directories usually

have very high PR and can take front page rankings with your listing on low

competition keywords.

Social Profiles


Pretty much everywhere you go online today you have to register for an account

first and create some sort of profile. Well did you know that most of these profiles

give you a back link! I bet you want some more profiles right now.

Here’s a list of social profiles that give you a back link…

Fast Company (http://www.fastcompany.com/user/register)

1. Flickr (http://www.flickr.com)

2. Naymz ($ 4.99/month) (http://www.naymz.com)

3. StumbleUpon (http://www.stumbleupon.com)

4. Digg (http://www.digg.com)

5. Linked In (http://www.linkedin.com)

6. Twitter (http://www.twitter.com)

7. Answers.com (http://www.answers.com)

8. FaceBook (http://www.facebook.com)

9. eZine Articles (http://www.ezinearticles.com)

10. Insider Pages (http://www.insiderpages.com)

11. HubPages (http://www.hubpages.com)

12. Squidoo (http://www.squidoo.com)

13. Newsvine (http://www.newscine.com)

14. Designfloat (http://www.designfloat.com)

15. Yelp (http://www.yelp.com)

16. Nowpublic (http://www.Nowpublic.com)

17. Crowdvine (http://www.crowdvine.com)

18. Webnews (http://www.webnews.de)

19. Yigg (http://www.Yigg.de)

20. Slideshare (http://www.slideshare.net)

21. Kiva (http://www.kiva.com)

22. My Blog Log (http://www.mybloglog.com)

23. Viddler (video) (http://www.viddler.com)

24. Go Articles (http://www.goarticles.com)

25. You Tube (http://www.youtube.com)

For more social profile links check out these lists…







Almost every forum nowadays lets you have a signature box. Which means you

have an area under each of your posts in the forum where a box of whatever text

you want will show up.

This is a great place to put a link back to your site with your keyword or phrase

as the anchor text. The best part is that the more forum posts you make the

more back links that will be created.

Just like with the blog posts, if you make spammy forum posts that add no value

to the community then the owners will delete your posts and your time will be


The way I train my employees on this is to just make forum posts in the

introduction areas that most forums have for new users to make their first posts.

So my employees just surf around looking for new people posting introductions

and then they say hi back to them wishing them the best… BOOM… Another

back link just like that!

It should be mentioned that just because I have employees doesn’t mean you

need to have employees. You can do all of this stuff on your own. I just like to

get a lot more of it done and faster so I hire people so I can leverage their time.

That ends my favorite and most effective back linking strategies. It also ends part

2 of this report. Now we are going to take a look at my overall plan. This way you

can see how I am putting all of these things together to get immediate traffic,

sales, and long term success with high competition keywords.


Part 3: The Boat


Before I get into the tactics of my method I call “The Boat” I want to give you an

overview of the whole strategy. I find that if someone tells me what I’m getting

into just before they show me how to do something I understand the steps


So The Boat is a method I created out of all the SEO knowledge I’ve ever

accumulated. I’ve read countless reports, blog posts, forum posts, and watched

hours of videos and seminars on the topic of SEO. The Boat is my outcome from

all of those lessons.

Basically The Boat is your landing page and it is optimized for your tier 1

keywords. The high traffic stuff. Then you have all your second tier keywords, the

long tail stuff, and those are your fishing poles. Finally your bait are web 2.0

properties that rank on the first page of Google for each of your fishing poles.

Here’s what it looks like in a mind map…

What happens is you start ranking very heavily, sometimes full pages in Google,

for your long tail keywords. Then as you build your boat bigger and bigger you

start catching more and more fish (visitors). Eventually your landing page starts

ranking for your bigger high traffic keywords or phrases and you start dominating

your niche organically.

Now at first each fishing pole may only bring in only 2-5 visits per day. As you

start adding more fishing poles that multiplies. 10 fishing poles (keywords)

catching 5 fish (visitors) per day equals 50 fish (visitors) per day. You keep

scaling that up and you get to where you have 100 fishing poles bringing in 5 fish

per day and that 500 fish per day.

It’s not just about the fishing poles though. Just like in the fishing industry the

more fish you catch the more popular your boat becomes and you start becoming

the leader in your industry.

Lets cut out all the metaphors for a minute and have some real talk. Let’s walk

out this theory using tomato growing as our example niche. You optimize your

landing page for the big keywords like “tomato growing,” “growing tomatoes,”

and “tomato growing tips.”

Then you start targeting your long tail keywords like “how to grow tomatoes,”

“growing tomatoes upside down,” “growing tomatoes indoors,” “growing

tomatoes on your patio,” and “growing hydroponic tomatoes.”

By targeting we mean using web 2.0 properties like Squidoo, Hubpages, Weebly,

Blogger, Digg, Mixx, Propeller, and the like. We use these properties because

they already have authority in Google that lets them get special SEO boosting

powers over normal websites. If we place our content and links on these sites and

get top rankings or even dominate whole pages in Google, then visitors will land

on these properties. Once they are on these web 2.0 sites we want them OFF of

them as soon as possible and onto our landing page.

The conversions (sales and opt-ins) happen on our landing pages. So it’s all about

using web 2.0 like a weapon to steal traffic from Google. It’s 100% legal, ethical,

and in no way is it considered blackhat. To the outsiders it just looks like we are

sharing content with the world through web 2.0 like everyone else.

The best part about this method is you can rank for the second tier keywords

very quickly. Sometimes even taking whole pages in Google. This brings us

immediate traffic. Then as you keep growing it the traffic gets bigger and bigger.

You start dominating all the second tier keywords and everywhere your target

searchers go they keep bumping into you. Plus since you are using web 2.0 you’ll

be outranking your competitors most of the time.

So as you grow you start shrinking your competition, which adds even more

growth to your presence. Eventually Google starts seeing all these web presences

linking to you about all your second tier keywords and begins seeing your landing

page as the overall authority for your main topic.


That’s when you start ranking for your keywords like tomato growing and growing

tomatoes. Now you’re getting all that traffic plus from all your other keywords

that you built up and it all turns into a fire hose of web visitors. And the whole

time you were getting traffic, sales, and opt-ins. Instead of just trying to go for

the big keywords first and waiting until that ranking finally came.

That is powerful right!!

Parts Of The System

The Boat

Your boat is really the whole process, which includes the landing page, keywords

(fishing poles) and web 2.0 properties (bait). Refer to the chapter above called

Build Your Page(s) to learn how to build and optimize your landing pages.

Fishing Poles

Your fishing poles are your keywords. It’s important to switch your mindset away

from what every “guru” is screaming at you about getting lots of traffic when you

do your keyword research. We want very targeted very low competition

keywords. That way we can dominate each of them and scale our system.

If when you go to do your keyword research you are still thinking, “which one of

these keyword has the most traffic – You’ll probably fail in the long run.” To be

successful at this your thought should be more like “which one of these keywords

suggests that the searcher wants to take a specific action.”

For example if I saw “how to grow tomatoes” and “buy tomato growing books” I

would choose the second phrase over the first. Even if the first hand hundreds

more people searching for it. That is because the second term is a buyer instead

of a researcher.

I win in niche markets not because I have the most traffic but because I have the

most buyers coming to my websites. That is why my little 5,000+ subscriber

email list does better then some people with lists 5 – 10 times the size of mine.


After all that is the real reason you want floods of traffic right… Not just to tell

people hey I had 3,000 visits today… But to say hey I filled my bank account

with orders today.

All the traffic in the world will not fill your bank account with even one dollar.

However, just one sale will add more money to your bank account then was there

before. This mindset is so important and it separates the sheep from the wolves.

The Bait

Your bait is what you use to lure people into your boat from the search engines.

Here is a list of all the bait (web 2.0 properties) that I use.

1. Weebly.com

2. Digg.com

3. Blogger.com

4. FeedAgg.com

5. FeedAge.com

6. Squidoo.com

7. Propeller.com

8. Hubpages.com

9. Wetpaint.com

10. Youtube.com

11. Kewego.com

12. LiveVideo.com

13. DailyMotion.com

14. WordPress.com

15. Tumblr.com

16. Scribd.com

17. Download3k.com

18. PodcastAlley.com

19. uncutvideo.aol.com

20. vids.myspace.com

21. Viddler.com

22. Google Video

23. Buzzle.com

24. ArticleDashboard.com

25. EzineArticles.com

26. AssociatedContent.com

27. ArticleBase.com

28. Revver.com

29. MetaCafe.com

30. Flickr.com

31. Clearblogs

32. Ehow.com

33. Zimbio.com

34. Bumpzee

35. Quizilla

It’s important to remember the same basic on-page optimization skills when you


use these web 2.0 properties. If they let you create a URL like squidoo.com/

yourlens then make sure you put your keyword or phrase in that URL.

If they let you create a title and sub-titles then make sure your keyword or

phrase is in those. As well as inside your actual content, don’t forget to have the

same 3% keyword density that we talked about.

If you’d like to learn more about how I’m specifically using these sites then go to

our free coaching session and get your free consultation.. We also have a weekly

webinar where we teach you how to about the tools we use and how to

implement a winning strategy for YOUR business.

It’s totally free as well as the initial 30 minute coaching session to see if we are a

good fit for your business.

Our Mastermind sessions start as low as 47.00 month and you get (2) 30 minute

sessions with me or one of my associates on any thing you need done in your

business. And remember, you are backed by our 100% guarantee. I will even

do the mastermind and give you exclusive access to our online mastermind


Ending Note

IF all you get out of this report is that you need to borrow the built in authority of

web 2.0 websites, have consistently updated content, and get as many back links

as you can – You’ll beat out 95% of your competitors.

That really is all there is to SEO. Anyone who tells you otherwise is probably

trying to sell you something. (That comments gunna get a lot of people mad at


My employees and I are here for you. When you need help please don’t hesitate

to call us at 724-263-8812. We’ll do our best to help everybody that we have

time to help.

Get More Customers For Your Business!

Rick Hodge


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