Monday, September 23, 2013

Dealing With Asthma Triggers

Dealing With Asthma Triggers

Asthma causes chronic inflammation of the airways in the lungs, worsening of asthma triggers that bring on
asthma symptoms.

Triggers are substances, weather conditions or activities that are harmless to most people, but can lead to coughing,
wheezing and shortness of breath in those with asthma. They do not cause asthma, but they can lead to asthma symptoms and

Triggers vary from person to person. They are sometimes seasonal, and may even end up affecting children with asthma as they grow

Common asthma triggers include:

irritants and pollutants in the air
respiratory infections, such as colds or flu
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
Triggers and Asthma
Asthma can not be cured, but it can be managed. The goal of asthma treatment is to reduce symptoms on a day-to-day basis
and to maintain normal activity levels, including the ability to exercise and participate in sports.

One way to do this is by minimizing exposure to triggers. Where exposure can not be controlled, triggers cause severe flare-
ups, chronic symptoms between episodes, and also reduced lung function.

Since triggers are different for each person, you must work with your doctor to determine your child’s specific
triggers. Your doctor may suggest that you keep an asthma symptoms / triggers diary, with symptoms, peak flow meter
readings and a record of the circumstances under which the symptoms arose to help you identify possible triggers. When
triggers are identified, they can be included in the overall asthma action plan you develop with your doctor.

Your child may also need to test the allergy skin if the doctor suspects that allergens are triggers. Some children may need
take allergy medication or allergy shots. Your doctor will determine if this is necessary.

Sensitizing and irritating
Allergens, one of the most common asthma triggers, such as:

Dust Mites
animal dander (tiny flakes of dead skin), saliva or urine
It is not possible to avoid all allergens, but you can help to minimize them in your home. Focus on the place where your
baby sleeps and plays:

Keep these areas as clean and dust-free as possible. This means vacuuming and dusting every week, eliminating clutter,
to get rid of unnecessary stuffed animals, and routinely wash the second stuffed animals in hot water.
Wash sheets weekly in hot water, and get rid of feather pillows and duvets.
Buy hypoallergenic covers for the mattress, box spring and pillows.
Eliminate rugs and carpets possible.
Clean curtains (which should be washable) often.
Check damp areas such as bathrooms, basements and laundry rooms are cleaned frequently and properly ventilated to prevent mold
and mold does not form.
Avoid using humidifiers, and use dehumidifiers in damp areas of your house.
Check your local pollen and mold count readings and plan indoor activities for windy days, which can lead to high values.
Use bait traps or professional extermination to rid your home of cockroaches, and keep your kitchen clean and your house
free of the stacks of paper.
Irritant different from allergens. People who have allergies or asthma may get annoying, but
they are usually not a serious problem. But for children with asthma can lead to annoying airway inflammation and relapses.

Common irritants include:

cleaning products
wood and tobacco smoke
paint or gas fumes
Air Pollution
Even things that may seem harmless, like scented candles or fresh newsprint are triggers for some children. Here are some
ways to reduce household irritant:

If you find a household product triggers your child’s asthma, switch to an unscented or nonaerosol version of it.
Did not burning wood in your home.
Keep your child away from areas where painting or carpentry work done.
If you cook on a gas stove, make sure your kitchen is well ventilated – on the outside, if possible.
Prohibit smoking in the home and car, and make sure your children avoid smoky environments like restaurants and parties.

Weather and external factors
If outdoor air pollution is a problem, you might want to buy an air purifier for your home or run the air
air conditioning year (clean the filter regularly). Also check reports air quality. On days when the quality
particularly bad, keep your child indoors with the air conditioning on.

Respiratory infections, such as colds or flu, is more difficult to avoid. In fact, viral respiratory infections are among
the most common childhood illnesses and can cause breathing difficulties even children who do not have asthma. They usually
several days and cause airway swelling and mucus production. In children with asthma, breathing problems are triggered by
cold can last for days or weeks after the cold has gone away.

Teach your children the importance of hand washing, and ask your doctor for an annual flu shot. Health experts now
recommends that everyone 6 months of age and older be vaccinated against influenza. This is especially important in
people with asthma, who are at greater risk for serious complications if they get the flu. As respiratory diseases
is an inevitable part of childhood, be sure that your doctor tells you what to do if your child gets a cold or flu
(This information should be in the asthma action plan).

Weather conditions can also play a role, depending on where you live. Windy conditions can stir up pollen and mold.
Rain can wash pollen from the air, reduces pollen immediately after a rain. Still lots of rain can stimulate
trees and grass to produce more pollen later in the season.

Extreme cold or heat can also trigger asthma and so can moisture or very dry air. If you know that certain weather
conditions worsen your child’s asthma, keep an eye on the forecast and limit his or her time outdoors on problem loans days.
If cold weather is the trigger, covers your child’s nose and mouth with a scarf.

If hot, humid weather triggers symptoms, keep your child in an air conditioned environment. Guidance for handling
weather-related triggers should also be included in the asthma action plan. This may include increasing the dosage of
your child’s medication.

Exercise may be the only trigger for some children with asthma. Along with allergens, this is one of the more common
triggers. In fact, 80% -90% of people with asthma develop symptoms when they exercise. This can be a particular problem in
someone whose asthma is not well managed. But this is a trigger that your child should avoid because exercise is
important for overall health.

Rather than discourage strenuous game or sport, talk to your doctor about what your child should do before, during,
and after exercise. This may include taking medication before exercise or play a sport.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is when the contents of the stomach flow backward into the esophagus. Some children also
inhale the contents of the lungs, where they may make inflamed airways even more swollen. GERD treatment may lead to
improvement of asthma symptoms in these children.

Your child will not be able to avoid all the triggers all the time, and it is unrealistic to expect to do it. However minimize
exposure to help keep asthma symptoms under control.

Just because a child has asthma does not mean he or she should not travel, play sports, go to parties, or do any of the
things that other children do. With sensible precautions, like to follow the plan asthma action, carrying rescue
medication, and take allergy medication before visiting friends with pets can help children with asthma do everything they

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