Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Asthma in Children

Asthma is a chronic disease that causes airways (a pipe through which flows the air in & out of the lungs) is narrowed. In the United States, nearly 20 million people have asthma with 9 million of whom are children. Padaa children, air channels are smaller than adults, so that asthma can cause serious problems on them. Asthma is a chronic disease that causes airways (a pipe through which flows the air in & out of the lungs) is narrowed. In the United States, nearly 20 million people have asthma with 9 million of whom are children. Padaa children, air channels are smaller than adults, so that asthma can cause serious problems on them. Here is some information about asthma that need to be known by the parents, taken from

Asthma Symptoms In Children

Children who have asthma usually experience symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, tightness in chest or feel difficulty when breathing, especially in the morning & evening. Here are some asthma symptoms that occur in children :

- Symptoms of asthma in children <3 years :

  • There is sound when breathing (wheezing / wheezing / asthma)

  • Coughing, wheezing or breathing kehabisa when activities

  • Tightness in chest

  • Persistent cough is not caused by the flu, it usually gets worse when the night

  • Always feel unwell

  • Experiencing recurring flu & usually takes a long time to heal

- Symptoms of asthma in children aged 3-15 years :        

  • There is sound when breathing (wheezing / wheezing / asthma)

  • Long-term cough, especially at night

  • Often awakened by a cough at night or early morning

  • Feeling faint or become less active

In children pre-school age, wheezing (wheezing / wheezing / asthma) usually caused by viral infections (which cause the flu, ear infection or strep throat). Most children will usually recover from the disease over age. In children aged greater, the virus is a major cause of wheezing (wheezing / wheezing / asthma). But besides this, other allergens can cause asthma attacks in children, such as :

  • Pollen / grass

  • Fur

  • Certain foods, such as: milk, eggs, nuts

  • Dust

  • Mushrooms

Sometimes experienced by children with asthma can become worse, here are some factors that can meperburuk condition of asthma in children :

  • Exposed to materials that cause allergic

  • Chill

  • Smoke from cigarettes

  • Dust & air pollution

  • Sometimes excessive physical activity also can aggravate asthma, but that does not mean kids should stop doing physical activities, especially sports. Should handle the perceived asthma symptoms by using drugs.            

When Should Consult a Doctor About Asthma  

Parents should immediately consult a doctor when :

  • Suspect their children have asthma

  • Asthma medication which is used to be useless or require therapy more than 2-3 times per week

Help your doctor as soon as possible should be done, especially when children show symptoms as follows :

  • Child is having difficulty breathing.

  • The color changes a child’s skin to become paler or blue, especially in the area around the lips or mouth.

  • If difficulty breathing worsened suddenly.     

  • If an asthma attack that occurred even worse than usual.

  • If you use an inhaler for asthma more frequently than 4 hours  

Treatment For Asthma In Children  

Often the drugs needed for treating asthma in children, it is done in order:  

  • Can eliminate the symptoms of asthma in children, so they can freely play & berakatifitas like other children.

  • May reduce allergic reactions of the body & reduces swelling / inflamsi of the respiratory tract.

  • Can eliminate or reduce adverse effects on the lungs of children so that they can develop normally.

Treatment for asthma, are generally divided into two groups, namely :

  1. Group relief (bronchodilators)                                                                                                              Is a group of drugs that work quickly relax the muscles in the airways, thereby curing the symptoms of asthma such as wheezing, coughing & difficulty breathing. The group is also included in the first-line treatment to cope with acute asthma attacks. Examples are: Beta-2 agonists, anticholinergics,

  2. Prevention group (anti-inflammatory)                                                                                                     Kelompok ini bekerja dalam periode waktu yang lama dengan caa mencegah terjadinya peradangan (inflamasi) pada saluran nafas. Contohnya adalah : Corticosteroids, Cromones, Leukotriene receptor antagonists, Theophylline.

Source :  

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